
I build my first app

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About Cordova

It is an open-source mobile development framework. It allows the development of cross-platform applications using the technologies that are used on the web.

They are neither truly native nor purely based on HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Personal Dashboard

I took the challenge of transforming my web organization tool into an application. The ergonomics will be completely different. The screen will no longer be cut off by a search bar.

What the app includes

Project manager
Today's tasks are displayed, you can also change the day in the calendar

Music playlist
The music continues when you change tabs in the app, or when the app is in the background, with all the features of an audio player

File manager

In the future

More connections with different services, for example importing contacts from a phone or a google account, importing your music library or linking your bank accounts.

The idea is really to make an all-in-one app, which brings together all the elements that a person uses on a daily basis and which organizes them in a simple and coherent whole, usable from any device, which is secure and who uses this data to offer a personalized response to this person's problems.

Which is available for free, to anyone who wants it. Originally I developed this tool for my own use, but I wish I had access to the dashboard like this a few years ago.

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