
How to approach your Digital transformation

comment aborder votre transformation digitale

Faced with current changes, digital transformation is the most successful stage of change for a company or an organization. Addressing this transformation means above all staying in the movement generated by the digital revolution, and even contributing to it.

A world that is changing faster and faster

We are experiencing a moment of acceleration unique in the history of mankind. The numbers on the internet speak for themselves. We are currently experiencing a digital revolution that directly impacts traditional businesses and the way they operate.

Practices that are also evolving

The new uses of customers as well as their new expectations in terms of immediacy and mobility are pushing companies to reinvent themselves and begin their transformation. Competition is stronger and tolerance to technological flaws and rigid systems is weaker and weaker.

Digital, a strategic way to stay competitive

After IT, the web and then web 2.0, digital is sweeping through all sectors of activity. Benefiting from the innovations and tools brought by this new wave, digital technology is at the heart of companies' concerns.

A not always easy transition

Some organizations or industries are paying the price.

In a few words

The digital transformation involves opening up and evolving towards new operating and communication modes. It is training, learning, renewing, anticipating, collaborating and remaining agile and open to everything that ensures the sustainability of a company.

deloitte transformation digitale france europe

A third of small and medium-sized businesses do not have a website
Against three in four on average in the European Union

deloitte transformation digitale pme vente en ligne

7 out of 10 consumers buy online,
For around one in eight SMEs that use an online sales solution.

deloitte transformation digitale paliers

Les différentes étapes du parcours que les PME doivent suivre afin de réaliser leur transformation digitale, ainsi que les outils permettant d’achever chacune de ces étapes.

Source :
Rapport Deloitte sur la transformation digitale des PME
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Les sites présentés en 1ère page de Google contiennent en moyenne 1 890 mots

Source :
Rapport Insee TIC sur les PME
insee logo
Quelques statistiques supplémentaires pour vous aider à aborder votre transformation digitale
  • 82% des consommateurs préfèrent apprendre sur une entreprise depuis le blog que par les publicités
  • 40% des visiteurs d’un site web partent s’il prend plus de 3 secondes pour se charger
  • 80% des clients ne s’engagent pas avec du contenu qui s’affiche mal sur leur appareil
  • 57% des internautes ne recommandent pas une entreprise avec un design de site internet mal conçu
  • 92% des TPE, PME auront un site internet d’ici la fin 2018
  • 72 % des internautes font autant confiance aux avis en ligne qu’aux recommandations personnelles
  • Les sites présentés en 1ère page de Google contiennent en moyenne 1 890 mots

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