Synchronize your files with Dropbox

Let me introduce you to Dropbox, your future companion who will simplify your life so much that you won't be able to leave it;) ... Read

GTD stands for Getting Things Done is a method of organization and productivity. This method has been very successful in the entrepreneurial world.
This book is in my opinion the book that you must read if you are an entrepreneur. It's probably the book that has impacted my life the most. It is easy to read, and the method is simple to practice. it just takes a bit of discipline to be effective, but will allow you to be productive with a simple, stress-free system. I very rarely read a book twice. And this is the first book that I recommend on this blog. I can guarantee you one thing, reading this book is not an unnecessary expense, nor a waste of time.
David Allen is an American productivity consultant. Mainly known for having created the Getting things Done method, he is also the author of several other management books.
Let me introduce you to Dropbox, your future companion who will simplify your life so much that you won't be able to leave it;) ... Read
If you have an email like @, you can link your account directly to your iphone / ipad. ... Read