
CRM tool for business

5 150 $ HT
This pack including
  • Professional website
  • Local SEO package
  • Tailored graphic charter
  • Many modules available
  • Tailored support
  • One year of web hosting & 1 domain name
Vous pourrez migrer vers une offre supérieure à tout moment
  • Terms of Access
  • You are a serious entrepreneur
  • You are passionate about your activity
  • You have time to devote to your web project
  • You want more customers
  • You trust us

Unique design

We create your strong visual identity to convey the image of your company



Because navigation must be intuitive.


Cross-platform development

Your website adapts to all resolutions. We are committed to developing websites that are accessible on all current platforms, from simple computer screens to mobile phones.

Manage your website at your fingertipsEasy to manage

Because simplicity is the supreme sophistication, and website administration shouldn't be a hassle, we have developed an innovative system that allows you to make any changes directly from your website.

Customized graphic charter

The realization of your Graphic Charter is done very simply.
We will determine together the presentation you want to have on your site The graphic aspect is essential because it will represent your identity, your image.
We develop the graphical interface you need, taking into account your graphic charter if you have one. We integrate your colors, your logo to convey the image of your company as faithfully as possible.
Our job is to combine aesthetics, ergonomics and readability of your content in a simple, clear and consistent interface.

charte graphique.png

Seo local pack

seo consultant
  • Analysis of research volumes in your industry
  • Source code optimization
  • Indexing of the site on the main search engines
  • Google map creation page and update
  • Adword coupon (paid advertising) a value of 120 €

Ask for a free quote

You want to have a precise quote for your website creation project. Get it in 24h

Customer testimonial

avis client

Je suis ravi des services fournis par Deux-clics.com, qui m'a accompagné avec un grand professionnalisme. Un projet de création de site internet est un projet important, et il est essentiel d'avoir un interlocuteur qui maîtrise les aspects techniques, mais qui est aussi capable de vous les expliquer de manière simple. Outre la technique, je suis très satisfait de l'aspect graphique du site internet créé, je dispose d'un back office qui me permet de gérer moi-même les modifications ou l'ajout de contenu, ce qui est très pratique. Pour les modifications plus importantes type ajout de fonctionnalités (livre d'or par exemple), cela a pu se faire sur simple demande. Pour ce qui est des tarifs enfin, ils sont très attractifs. Je ne peux donc que recommander ses services.

Technologies used



  • boite mail

    Professional mailbox A dedicated professional mailbox

  • rendez vous

    Contact / appointment An integrated appointment form

  • google map

    Google map positioning An interactive map to be located quickly

  • temoignages

    Customer testimonial You attract more customers thanks to testimonials

  • partenariat

    Partner module You highlight your partners

  • statistiques

    Detailed statistics You receive a monthly report on your website traffic

Additional services

  • Creation of your editorial content
  • Project study
  • Drafting your specifications
  • Creation of your graphic charter
This site is currently under construction

If you are a serious professional and want to develop your internet presence, you are at the right place.
If you are aiming for long term return on investment, we should talk about your project.

Progress of a service

Deux-Clics supports and advises you at all the steps of your project


Of your request and your needs


The search volumes of your industry


The structure of your website


Integration of custom design


Custom modules and functionalities


Managing your website


Positioning your pages on search engines


Of your visits and conversions

Professional images

Fotolia is a high definition image bank that we use for all of our projects. All the files used are free of rights, with no time limit or number of broadcasts

Detailed statistics

Google Analytics is a dedicated professional Internet audience analysis solution that provides valuable insights into your website traffic and efficiency.

Stable hosting

For more than 20 years, OVH has been offering Internet solutions adapted to all needs. It is a trusted partner with a state-of-the-art infrastructure.

Customized customer service

Whatever your difficulties, our technical support is here by phone, ticket, or email to resolve your problem.

You may want to know

Can i adapt to other technologies?


What is my hourly rate

I rather work in daily rate. As an indication it is necessary to count on average 200 € / day currently.

Am I available for a new mission?

For the month of March , i am already working on an internal project. Netherless you can request a quote or contact us if you want to talk about it

What are the monthly fees for hosting the site

Monthly hosting includes domain name renewal. Hosting your website is billed at € 20 per month.